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September 2, 2020


Below is the schedule of Zoom classes that you need to attend on a daily basis.

Go to   Ms Shahid’s Zoom Link Please sign-in each class on time and according to schedule..

There are also an extra help Zoom session available each day. *2:30-3:00 pm : Help for students Link*

I can also be contacted by phone during the school day. If I am zooming with a class either leave a message or text me and I will get back to you. Please make sure you leave your name with the message. The number you can contact me at is : 954-871-0854

You will enter the ‘waiting room’ and wait to be admitted in.

Bobcats & Lions Zoom Meeting Schedule :

8:45-9:05 am : Reading

9:45-10:05 am : Math

10:50-11:10 am : Language Arts

12:35-12:55 pm : Social Studies

1:35-1:55 pm : Science

*2:30-3:00 pm : Help for students*

* Friendly Reminder : Zoom attendance is MANDATORY everyday ! 🙂 *

Tigers  Zoom Meeting Schedule :

9:15-9:35 am : Reading

10:20-10:40 am : Math

11:20-11:40 am : Language Arts

1:05-1:25 pm : Social Studies

2:05-2:25 pm : Science

*2:30-3:00 pm : Help for students*

Daily Work Assignments

8:45-9:05       Reading Bobcats/ Lions

Email all completed work to: bobcats@flps.com, Lions@flps.com

Question of the Day: Why does Beth find it difficult to complete her assignment? Write in Journal and submit (5points)

Today’s Aim/Skill Concept: LAFS.6.RI.1.1 Narrative Elements You will cite texts evident of words and Phrases to support what you read about in Realistic Fiction,”The Best School Year Ever” for understanding of. PAGE 22-35 Continue to complete Story Map.

Materials needed for today: Reading Textbook “Trophies” Story Map, Journals, pencils

Student work to complete from:  9:15-9:35 Please read answer the question

Assessment: Answer the following Questions: To show text evidence restate and write complete sentences. (5points)

  1. Is the way the class shares the compliments a big surprise to Beth? Why?
  2. Why does Boomer turn two or three different shades of red?
  3. How does Beth feel when she hears the compliments that Joanne wrote about her?
  4. How does Beth solve the Problem in the story?
  5. What compliments would you think up for Beth? Use details from the story to explain your responses. Personal opinion


  1. Reread pages 1-30 write a summary

2. Read Works: https://www.readworks.org/ “Important People”

1. Have students go to www.readworks.org/student login

2. Students enter class code XC4GFR

3. Tell your students that their default password is 1234

Students: As soon as you complete the assignment, put your name on it, take a picture of it and email it to your teacher to bobcats@flps.com or lions@flps.com

9:15-9:35am      Reading  Tigers

Email all completed work to: Tigers@flps.com

Question of the Day: (Write in Journal) What are some of society’s unwritten rules of etiquette, or manners?

Today’s Aim/Skill Concept: LAFS.6.RI.1.1 and LAFS. 5.RL.1.3 Today is Story Concepts,  Draw conclusions and Make and confirm Predictions. , Read “The Hot and Cold Summer” pages 30 answer questions Below.

Materials needed for today: Reading Textbook “Trophies” Story Map, Journals, pencils

Student work to complete from:  9:15-9:35 Please read answer the question

Assessment: Answer the following Questions: To show text evidence restate and write complete sentences. (5points)

1.How does Rory suggests calling an ambulance or the police?(Story Event)

2.  At what point did you begin to suspect that Lucette is not Bolivia’s baby Sister?(Draw conclusions)

3. Now that you know Lucette is a bird, will your predictions about what will happen in the story change? (Make and confirm Predictions)?

4. What else besides their vow of silence keeps Rory and Derek from admitting they though Lucette was a baby?

5. Why does Mr. Dunn offer to help?


Read Works: https://www.readworks.org/  ”  Two Stories per week “Escape From the Mountain”, Important People” Civics Do Sept. 4, 20

1. Have students go to www.readworks.org/student

2. Students enter class code VYJCC4

3. Tell your students that their default password is 1234

Math     Bobcats/ Lions

Email all completed work to:  bobcats@flps.com, lions@flps.com

Today’s Aim/Skill Concept: Practice and review Simplest Form on page PS78 Simplest Form Complete problems 1-18

Materials: Math Review package, Journal, and pencil

Student To complete from 9:05-9:35 PS78 Simplest Form Complete problems 1-18

Homework: Complete pages PS78 19-24

Math     TIGERS

Email all completed work to:  tigers@flps.com, at the end of the day.

Aim/ Skills/Concept: Practice Workbook Review- We will focus on  Division Procedure on page PW791-8

Student work To complete from 10:50-11:10  Independent Practice PW79 5-8

Homework: Complete pages  PW78 problems 9-20


Email all completed work to: bobcats@flps.com, lions@flps

Question of the Day: What is a Common noun and Proper Noun?

Aim/Skills Concept: We will be able to explain Common Nouns and Proper Nouns page 2. and Spelling

Do activities learning about nouns. pages # 1 classwork 1-3

To do From 11:20-11:40 Independent practice page #1 4-10

Homework: Weekly Spelling: Correct each mispelled word; pledge, glasses, messages, public, planet, themselves, connect, guess, magic, recommend, college, grabbed, compliments, optimism, success, impress, solve, bronze, pulse, crumple.

  1. glesses 2. missages 3. grobbed 4. publec 5. plidge 6. magec 7. plenet 8. thamselves 9. callege 10. sucess


Email all completed work to: tigers@flps

Question of the Day? What is a Common  Noun and Proper Noun?

Aim/Concept Skills: I Will explain Common Nouns and Proper Nouns: You will have 10 minutes  pages # 2 classwork 1-2

Student work To complete from 12:35-12:55 Independent practice page #2 3-8

Materials: Our Red, orange and blue Language Arts, journal, pencil

Homework: Weekly Spelling: Circle and correct the mispelled words; master, ahead, build, front, meant, bread, ready, busy, quit, mother, above, does, advantage, business, sweater, plastic, balance, limit, among, dozen

  1. duzen 2. ahed 3. swetter 4. amung 5. bisy 6.redy 7. muther 8. quet  9. dos 10. bred

Social Studies     Bobcats/Lions           

Email all completed work to: bobcats@flps.com, lions@flps.com

Aim/Concept Skills: I will Explain and review “How to Read a Historical Map pages 12-13.

Question of the Day: What is a Historical Map?

Student work to Complete from: 1:05-1:25pm

Questions 1-5 Below:

Assessment: Answer the following questions in complete sentences :

  1. What could cause a disease to spread from town to town?
  2. What are historical maps used for?
  3.  What brought changes to both Europe and Asia?
  4.  When did many Europeans hear about the plague that spread across Asia?
  5.  Where did the Traders flee to in 1347 when the people began to fall ill of the plague?

1:05-1:25       Social Studies     TIGERS        

Email all completed work to: tigers@flps.com

Question of the Day: What is a World Map?

Aim/Concept Skills: I will Explain and review “How to Read a World Map pages 12-13.

Assessment: Complete the Questions 1-5 Below:

Answer the following questions in complete sentences and write your answers under the map on page 3 in the Social Studies Skills Workbook:

  1. Why is it difficult to represent the round earth on flat surface?
  2. When did Geradus Mercator first created his projection ?
  3.  How long have map makers been making maps?
  4.  What ways do map makers use to distort a map?
  5. Describe a map projector.

1:36-1:55 Science    Bobcats / Lions

Email all completed work to: bobcats@flps.com, lions@flps.com

Question of the Day: What is a Scientific explanation?

Aim/Concept Skills: I will Explain what a scientific explanation is and how it is evaluated. I will define Empirical evidence. You will show how scientific explanation is  evaluated; pages 8-9

Assessment:  Complete the Questions 11-14 Below:

10. Give two examples of things that are not empirical evidence.

Student work to complete from 2:05-2:25. Complete page 9 questions 11-14.

2:05-2:25pm  Science   Tigers

Email all completed work to: bobcats@flps.com, lions@flps.com

Question of the Day: What do scientist study?

Aim/Concept Skills: I will Explain what a study and how best to meet a scientits. pp 12-13

Assessment: Answer the questions (5 point)

Complete the Questions 1-5 Below:

  1. What  are good qualities of a scientist?
  2. What does all matters includes?
  3. What would you look for in the night sky if you had a telescope?

Homework: Week of Aug. 31-Sept 1, 2020

Spelling:  Bobcats, Lions, and Tigers: Make flash cards, Short vowels sound words, mispelled words, test review TEST FRIDAY Sept. 4

Math: Bobcats/ Lions PS42, PS54, PW78, PW83, Tigers  PW62, PW78, PW79, PW116, PW147

Project: Bobcats, Lions, and Tigers:  Take a map of the United states and show the spread of the Corona Virus or Covid-19. (use social media as local news, and government reports on the virus. Due Sept. 8, 2020


September 2, 2020
Homework Category: